Toronto Venture Capital

Looking to raise venture capital in Toronto? Check out the list of venture capital firms in Toronto.

Showing 1 - 10 of 68
Simple Ventures
Simple Ventures is a new venture studio on a mission – identify global innovations not ye […]
Drive Capital
Venture Capital firm helping founders build the next generation of world class companies. […]
Graphite Ventures
Graphite Ventures is an early stage venture based out of Toronto.
FACIT is (Fight Against Cancer Innovation Trust). FACIT is a business trust established b […]
Alignvest Management Corporation
Alignvest Management Corporation is a private investment company focused on long term val […]
District Ventures Capital
A venture capital fund led by @arlenedickinson investing in Canadian food & health innovation.
Maverix Private Equity
Maverix Private Equity is a private equity firm focused on technology-enabled growth and disruption.
Storytime Capital
Storytime Capital helps founding teams write bold, exciting chapters in their company’s story.
Northside Ventures
A pre-seed and seed stage venture capital firm backing exceptional Canadian founders in […]