Chicago Venture Capital

Complete list of venture capital firms in Chicago.

Showing 1 - 10 of 42
Abad Capital
fueling the growth of next-generation technologies
Motivate VC
A venture firm that invests in fintech, web3, and B2B SaaS pre-seed and seed stage startups.
Lofty Ventures
We help 160 passionate founders @ 89 startups change the world. For the list of portfoli […]
Propellant Ventures
Seed stage venture capital fund that invests in the growth of Chicago and the greater Mid […]
EverPresent Ventures
Investing in the future of scalable commerce.
New Leaf Ventures
A multi-strategy fund enhancing the risk-adjusted returns of a diversified early-stage ve […]
53 Stations
Early-stage VC firm investing in healthcare, logistics, technology and insurance
Supply Change
An early-stage venture capital firm investing at the intersection of food, culture, and technology.
Tawani Ventures
Generalist early stage fund with a focus on Chicago and diverse founding teams
LongJump Ventures
LongJump is a first-check venture fund, based in Chicago, designed to invest in the next […]