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Get your brand in front of global community of founders,
innovators, and talent. Powered by FoundersBeta.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cofoundersbeta? is a designed for early-stage founders powered by FoundersBeta to get matched with a cofounder and other resources to build successful startups.

Do you share the brand on your Facebook group?

Yes we do! We do a special shout and direct link to your website.

How does the payment work?

Simply select the time and date and you will prompted for payment via Stripe or PayPal.

Do you share the brand on your Facebook group?

Yes we do! We do a special shout and direct link to your website.

What is the demographic?

We have founders, students, and professionals in the community with great interest in startups.

What is a refund policy on advertising?

We do not offer refunds on any of our services.

How big is your audience?

We are a community of 5000+ members globally with heavy concentration in USA, Canada, and outside.

I have more questions. Where can contact?

Please reach out to